Monday, July 12, 2010

Boycott 'The Last Airbender' Film

I was on my FB and I've been noticing that I got an event invite titled "Boycott 'The Last Airbender' Film". I read the description today while eating lunch.

'The Last Airbender' cast white actors to portray Asian/Inuit heroes, the latest example of Caucasians playing Asians (e.g., '21', 'Dragonball Evolution', 'Kung Fu', and more).

This is true. I've never actually seen those movies but I've heard about it. But it's not only Asians. I heard that the role of "Fox" in the movie "Wanted" was actually an African-American woman. I've also heard that the true story of "21" were made by mostly Asians. 4 out of 5 were Asians but in the movie, 1 out of 5 was Asian. Click here to see the comparison.

I was about to see "The Last Airbender" last Monday but I postponed it because I didn't want to wait in line. Then this last weekend, I was going to watch it by myself. But I didn't. I've heard only bad reviews from friends, who heard them from their friends. None of my friends are going to watch it because of the bad reviews and also, they just think it's weird that the main character, Aang is a white boy.

Look at this picture.
What nationality or ethnicity does 'Aang' look like to you?
Are you going to boycott this film?

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